Ground Combat Training Solutions
Well trained and prepared personnel are indispensable to mission success. ZelTech Training Solutions prepares troops for contingencies that range from irregular warfare to full spectrum operations.
ZelTech Training Solutions (ZTS) provides leading-edge live fire and simulated force-on-force ground combat training solutions to the US military and its foreign military partners.
- We deliver mature systems with proven performance and reliability.
- We are dedicated to open systems and advanced technology inserts that meet fully the evolving challenges and needs of our warriors.
Bill Edridge, ZTS LLC
407-571-9920 x104
Advanced Simulation Systems for
Force-on-Force Training
ZTS Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (Z-MILES) capabilities are unsurpassed.
- Z-MILES soldier, vehicle & auxiliary systems meet/exceed all Army requirements
- Z-MILES has also been tailored to support training in urban environments as well as battlefield casualty assessment and treatment
- Our system design enables continuous technology refresh and maximum interoperability
ZTS is actively involved in fostering synergies among live, virtual, constructive and gaming capabilities. Our strategic relationship and Joint Venture with the J&F Alliance Group, a leading edge provider of customized augmented, virtual, and mixed reality applications for military training and mission rehearsal, greatly increases our abilities to contribute to the Army Synthetic Training Environment (STE).
Fixed and Mobile Training Range
Instrumentation and Control
Our state-of-the-art instrumentation suites meet all US ground force training requirements.
- Tailorable configurations can support up to 3000 players and associated vehicles
- Components includes a C2 center, antenna nodes, player unit radios, exercise control, and after- action reporting and analysis software
- The Agility Military Radio we offer is software programmable; exceptional frequency coverage, tunable bandwidth, and load balancing; advanced encryption capability
Battlefield Effects Simulators
We are fielding the next generation visual, audio and tactically accurate battlefield effects system for Army live training.
Exceptional Subject Matter Expertise and Engineering Talent
ZTS is uniquely positioned to help the US military understand future ground training and mission rehearsal options and the optimal paths that lie forward.
- The ZTS team has developed, produced and delivered over 100,000 training devices in the past two decades
- Our advanced technical solutions, open systems designs and adaptive business models foster enhanced standardization, interoperability and continuous modernization, and provide the most efficient and cost way forward for ground combat training.
What We Do
We have a proven track record in innovative solutions to extend and enhance service life and functionality of legacy systems, flexible solutions that address training challenges for fluid and changing warfighter threats, credible training solutions that are economical, realistic and quick to field. ZelTech can provide a modular product portfolio that services tactical and strategic needs, and turn-key installation and life cycle support for training and simulation systems and devices.
- Instrumented battlefields, explosives, and targets and weapons effects
- Economical and efficient player/weapon ID Tracking in Urban Environments
- Casualty assessment, effects, treatment, and logistics training
- Legacy system performance enhancement and life cycle extension
- Next Generation Non- Laser systems
- Power Management and Standardization